This week's frugal accomplishments June 20th

This has been a pretty good week. Friday and Saturday were a bit hot, but a storm came through Saturday night and cooled things down nicely. Frugal accomplishments for the week have been.

1. Eaten mostly at home. I did grab one pizza one day.

2. Put items in the stone soup container in the freezer. It's way too hot for soup though.

3. worked on crocheting a blanket (the last one of eight) that was my oldest son's Christmas present this last year, and worked on crocheting the Christmas present for my connect group at church

4. enjoyed the free museum event from Wednesday to Saturday. The last two days were inside. Enjoyed the company of a couple of ladies that I crochet with.

5. I have a third number on my wireless that was attached to a stick that allowed dh to go on the net anywhere he was instead of relying on sketchy wifi. He's now using his phone instead of the stick. So, I went down to the ATT store and got that number put on a sim card. Then I went to Walmart and got a new trac phone that I put my sim card into and put the new sim card into my old phone. This way the girls have a camera and a way to get ahold of me on their church trip to Michigan. It cost me only $19.88 plus tax. This was just an easier option than getting disposable cameras for them to take.

6. got a surprise gift from my church. I love my church. I paid a bill, fixed my computer, and have been stocking up on things that have been put off for a few months.


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